The average adult has 27 different on-line accounts, and for the sake of ease, many use the same password for all of them , or are still using the “worlds favorite passwords”…
- 1234
- 12345678
- password
- spouse’s name
- birthdate
- child’s name
- pet’s name
… all of which can be broken INSTANTLY by a program designed to do so. This can be a real problm if you use the same password for those 27 on-line accounts. The good news is that there is a way to check to see how good your password is…
At this website – – I put in a password for one of my accounts (which I thought was a really good one), only to find out that it could be broken in 42 seconds.

Another that used a combination of uppercase, lower case, and numbers turned out much better at 4 days. But by simply adding a “#”or “!” to the end, increased the break point to 6 years!
Moral of the story: JUST DO IT!!!
And then there are some worthwhile secure (and FREE) tools to help you remember your passwords. Check them out here, and change them regularly!